How Creativity Raises Awareness and Promotes Change

Amidst the climate commotion, there’s a troop of young scientists and creators, warriors and peacemakers, artists and thinkers who, like me, are stepping up. Each armed with our own canvas, eager to share our voices on the literally burning environmental issues.

After all, we are the generation that will inherit this earth.

Imagine voices full of passion, photographs bursting with colours, telling the story of glaciers fading away, the sharks that are displaced and in waters, not their own or sculptures that find beauty in trash, reborn as art. We’re using our camera phone to capture the fragile beauty of our wounded planet and share it with the world. We are using the most creative platforms to speak out.

My canvas is my project, my website, The Green Bean. While my talents do not extend to paint and charcoal, I am adept at coding web design and my inherent interest in chemistry and angered by the climate change crisis led me to curate this website. Fueled by a desire to drive positive change, especially in sustainability and environmental innovation.

But it’s not just about making pretty speeches or creating beautiful websites. We want people to wake up. Our work speaks louder than words, and it transcends borders. My fellow youth are starting conversations, inspiring no forcing action, and reminding people, political leaders that influence change and heads of businesses who have the power to make those changes that this planet is worth protecting.

In this wild age of climate change, we’re not just doing this for fun or because it is En Vogue; we’re creating conversation, working to find solutions, and pushing forward for a purpose. Our passion for preserving the earth, slowing down the damage and healing the environment connects us, sparks discussions, and nudges everyone to make greener choices.

As young voices, we’re determined to leave a better Earth for ourselves and future generations.

So, choose your canvas to start the conversation and use your talents, capabilities, and passion to add to the solutions. If one is not there, then build it! Words and action must both go hand in hand.

After all, this is the world we will inherit and isn’t it wise to protect and invest in our inheritance?

About the Author: Layla Abdullah

Layla Abdullah is an A-level student currently studying at Jumeirah College. She started this website with the aim of spreading awareness about the vastness of the efforts against the climate crisis. Layla has conducted interviews and posts blogs, about current projects in the field of sustainability.

How Creativity Raises Awareness and Promotes Change

Amidst the climate commotion, there’s a troop of young scientists and creators, warriors and peacemakers, artists and thinkers who, like me, are stepping up. Each armed with our own canvas, eager to share our voices on the literally burning environmental issues.

After all, we are the generation that will inherit this earth.

Imagine voices full of passion, photographs bursting with colours, telling the story of glaciers fading away, the sharks that are displaced and in waters, not their own or sculptures that find beauty in trash, reborn as art. We’re using our camera phone to capture the fragile beauty of our wounded planet and share it with the world. We are using the most creative platforms to speak out.

My canvas is my project, my website, The Green Bean. While my talents do not extend to paint and charcoal, I am adept at coding web design and my inherent interest in chemistry and angered by the climate change crisis led me to curate this website. Fueled by a desire to drive positive change, especially in sustainability and environmental innovation.

But it’s not just about making pretty speeches or creating beautiful websites. We want people to wake up. Our work speaks louder than words, and it transcends borders. My fellow youth are starting conversations, inspiring no forcing action, and reminding people, political leaders that influence change and heads of businesses who have the power to make those changes that this planet is worth protecting.

In this wild age of climate change, we’re not just doing this for fun or because it is En Vogue; we’re creating conversation, working to find solutions, and pushing forward for a purpose. Our passion for preserving the earth, slowing down the damage and healing the environment connects us, sparks discussions, and nudges everyone to make greener choices.

As young voices, we’re determined to leave a better Earth for ourselves and future generations.

So, choose your canvas to start the conversation and use your talents, capabilities, and passion to add to the solutions. If one is not there, then build it! Words and action must both go hand in hand.

After all, this is the world we will inherit and isn’t it wise to protect and invest in our inheritance?

About the Author: Layla Abdullah

Layla Abdullah is an A-level student currently studying at Jumeirah College. She started this website with the aim of spreading awareness about the vastness of the efforts against the climate crisis. Layla has conducted interviews and posts blogs, about current projects in the field of sustainability.