Layla Abdullah

Founder of “The Green Bean”

Layla Abdullah is an A-level student currently studying at Jumeirah College. She started this website with the aim of spreading awareness about the vastness of the efforts against the climate crisis. Layla has conducted interviews and posts blogs, about current projects in the field of sustainability. She hopes to use her scientific background to bring a different lens to the field. In her free time, Layla enjoys horse riding or burying herself in a book.

Mangrove Forest. Karachi, Pakistan

Why did I start “The Green Bean”, from Layla

Global warming knows no boundaries, whether you are young or old, rich or poor, kind or careless, it will affect you. I started interviewing pioneers in the field of sustainability with the hopes of sharing the vastness of the fight against the climate crisis. From entrepreneurs to journalists, everyone has their own take on how they are helping the cause. I hope that by sharing the voices of those I interview, with my audience, I will inspire others to look for sustainable solutions and innovations in the world around them.

“The Green Bean” shows us that we can all contribute, even an act as small as a ‘bean’ can and will have a big positive impact.

Join our community of like-minded academics and enthusiasts, all dedicated to furthering the cause of sustainability.