Why did I start The Green Bean

Global warming knows no boundaries, whether you are young or old, rich or poor, kind or careless, it will affect you. I started interviewing pioneers in the field of sustainability with the hopes of sharing the vastness of the fight against the climate crisis. From entrepreneurs to journalists, everyone has their own take on how they are helping the cause. I hope that by sharing the voices of those I interview, with my audience, I will inspire others to look for sustainable solutions and innovations in the world around them.

“The Green Bean” shows us that we can all contribute, even an act as small as a ‘bean’ can and will have a big positive impact.

Latest Interviews

  • Hind Chawki is the Head of Financial Markets (MENAP) and ESG (for the West) for Standard Chartered.

  • Ibrahim Al Zubi is the chair of the Global Council on SDG 13 and the vice chair of the UN Global Compact group.

  • Jaime Nack is an award-winning environmental consultant. She is known for her work on the Democratic National Convention; in both 2008 and 2012, Nack worked to reduce the environmental impact that the convention would have on the host city.

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